By Guest on Monday, 21 February 2022
Category: Blog

What to Do if Your Dog Is Suffering from a Skin Infection in Coral Springs

If your dog has red, inflamed, itchy skin, they could be suffering from a fungal or viral skin infection. These infections can also cause crusty, flaky, or moist skin, odor, and other symptoms. Skin infections are fairly common in dogs, so it’s important to know what to do if your canine companion experiences this type of issue. At Premium Vet Care, we are here to help if you think your dog may be suffering from a skin infection in Coral Springs. Keep reading to learn more! 

Symptoms of Fungal and Bacterial Skin Infections

Fungal infections cause the following symptoms: 

The bacterium Staphylococcus sp often causes bacterial infections. The symptoms of Staph infections include: 

Causes of Skin Infections

Pets may develop skin infections for several reasons. The two most common causes of fungal infections are immune system deficiencies and excess oil on the skin. While this type of infection is not contagious, it will not go away until the underlying cause is addressed. 

Bacterial infections often occur as a result of allergies. Your dog could be allergic to fleas, something in their environment, medication, or even certain foods. This type of skin infection may also pop up as a secondary infection when a dog suffers from chronic illnesses or infections in the blood. This is most common in senior dogs due to their weakened immune systems. 

Treatment for Skin Infections in Coral Springs

Diagnosing the type and cause of a skin infection is not something you can do on your own. If your dog is exhibiting any of the symptoms above or you have another reason to suspect they could have an infection, contacting us is your best course of action. When you schedule an appointment with us, we’ll use advanced diagnostic techniques to get to the bottom of the issue and start your canine companion on an appropriate course of treatment. 

If your dog needs treatment for a skin infection in Coral Springs or the surrounding areas, please reach out to us today.


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